Early Saturday morning I heard a commotion by our door, so I checked outside by the chook 'house' to find something rustling around with the chickens' laying box paper. A little black thing ran away, and I was sure it had taken a chook. In the morning, the headless chook lay helplessly by its laying box, and thus our first loss for this farm left us feeling sad all day! Henny Penny #1 is left alone with Dickie now, and might not be enjoying all his attentions.

But with losses come wins, and we were granted an egg in the laying box the next day. Georgia was so excited that she walked around the property with it for about an hour. Eventually, inevitibly, she fell and the poor egg smashed, and so another loss - but not as great. In actual fact this was not our first egg; we have found three others smashed around the place. We are not sure what has taken the eggs, or the chook (wasn't d'Art), but today we will fiish making the proper chook house so our livestock and friends are safer!
Just to add to this dilemma - last night (Sunday night) something attacked our Dickie. He has lost quite a few feathers and did not crow this morning. We have caught him and he is sleeping in the workshop, where Henny Penny has been sleeping since her friend was decapitated. We are praying that he will recover, and we think that he will, for he is a tough bird, and a beautiful, randy bird too. Maybe Henny Penny can have a rest today LOL
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