We now have four more girls - two light sussexes and two rhode island reds. The white ones are called Lily and the red ones are called Rose. Georgia named them because of their colours. Dickie should be prancing around more but Henny Penny has the upper hand. We've actually taken her out of the coop because she was being too bossy! Hmmm... I should go get her before another quoll does (we think it was a quoll or a devil that took henny penny #2). We like the light sussexes. They are big white birds and we are thinking that they will be the ones we will breed. They will be good egg birds and good table birds, because by the time they are a pullet they are big! Monte talks about roast chicken right in front of them! How inconsiderate and rude!

Georgia's job is going to be to look after the chickens. She goes into the coop in the evening and feeds them, pats them, cleans up a bit and looks for eggs. I asked Monte how many types of animals he wants. He wants "heaps." I thought that maybe we should have one child per breed of animal we have, so that the kids can look after the animals. But I won't be doing a Brangelina and have a dozen or so children! In fact, since coming here, the only thoughts I have had about having another baby are: "Gosh, no way, not yet!" I am busy enough!
Tomorrow Georgia, my baby girl, goes to school for the first time! She will be in kinder. We have bought her uniform and her books. I spent today labelling everything. I was quite frustrated with some of the brands of contact that I bought for covering the books; some just went so bumpy! I named her clothes and put little pink ribbons with beads on them on each item so she can tell hers from everybody else's. She recognises her name, but I want to be extra sure. So, my little girl is growing up!
And then there's Matthew. Well! He's growing up too. He is so tall now, and independent. He wants to play with everything. He takes things apart, opens anything, pulls things out of boxes, drawers, doors - whatever. He keeps saying "No" too. I am trying to 'wean' him now. I would like to just do the two feeds a day - morning and night - but he seems to have the power in that domain. He gets his milk when he wants it, and the truth is that I fear that that is all I am to him - a milk machine! I see the cows, their eyes big and wide as they chew the cud whilst feeding their calf. I know how they feel!
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