On Saturday we went to the Middleton Country Fair. It was a superb day! We saw animals, visited lots of stalls of homemade crafts and produce and Georgia took Lucy in the pet parade and they won!

Georgia won a scarecrow badge and some lollies because she had the cutest pet - and quite possibly she was the cutest person. She was beaming and I got teary.

Georgia had to speak to the crowd as part of the parade. She had to talk about Lucy.
"What is your name?"
"And what type of dog do you have?"
"It's Lucy"
"Do you know what sort of dog she is?"
[prompting from mummy] "A cavalier-silky"
"And can she do tricks?"
"I think her trick is looking cute! And what is your favourite thing about Lucy?"

Matty was a good boy too. He sat in the pram a lot of the time, but when he was 'let out' he loved to look at all the animals. In the background you can see Georgia looking at a white miniature pony with her 4 week-old foal!

Georgia pats a mini pony, and asks for one. Monte considers it and takes a card from the owners. What the?! He is also considering buying a new goat.
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