Saturday, March 31, 2007


Matty plays happily at childcare - showcasing his gorgeous smile

My children go to childcare and sometimes I feel guilty. I do not feel guilty about working; I love my career and would never give it up, but I have made the sacrifice to cut back my working hours so I can be with my children. I feel sorry for the children who are in full-time childcare and I wonder what is the point of having children if you want someone else to look after them every day. I guess there are people who have to work, to pay the bills and all. But many people choose to have their kids in full-time care and I think that is a bit sad :(

So when I feel guilty for putting Georgie and Matty in childcare for one day a week, I am glad it is not all day, every day. Having said that, I put them in care so I can work in the morning and then have the afternoon to myself. I know I should have some rest and some 'me time,' but I miss them so much I find it hard to enjoy myself!
I had to record some things that childcare has recently said about my gorgeous baby boy. These are the same things they have said about Georgia when she was a baby not that long ago. The centre really loves our kids so I am happy that they are there, in good hands. I have heard terrible things about some childcare and family daycare centres!
Things they say about Matty-moo:
  • He's the most beautiful baby (I already knew that ;])

  • He's such an easy baby

  • Everybody loves him

  • All the children want to kiss him

  • He is so friendly/happy/cuddly

  • "Can I keep him"

  • "Can you have more babies and bring them all here so we can look after them" (can they pay?)

  • Ahhhh
  • "I just want to kiss him"

  • "I want one like him" (so do I. several in fact)

  • He's no trouble

  • He plays beautifully

Oh, the list goes on. I am so proud. I suppose that is rather obvious; I feel the glow from within whenever I am with him. Ever since he was born I have felt euphoric (and exhausted). I never dreamed that I could have another "angel baby" but here I am with another one. Georgia has been and is so easy; even those pesky three-year-old tantrums have been quite reasonable!

Last night I explained the love for my children like the pictures of the sun that kids draw. You know, the big shiny round yellow sun, surrounded by many many triabgles in red, orange and yellow, radiating light. Sometimes the sun has a smile on its face. That is how I imagine the love for my children. It fills me all up and surrounds me and guides me and is the reason why I breathe.

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