Thank God the children are better now. They are sleeping beautifully. Matthew has finished his antibiotics and is back to his happy self. Georgia is being obedient and happy. She is saying all kinds of things that blow me away. She works things out all the time; her mind must be racing so fast.
We have decided to start off by renting in Tasmania, so we can get a feel for where we want to live, without being rushed. We found a huge home in Geeveston, but we're certainly not ready to move yet! We're in the process of getting the other house ready to sell; that should take place in a month or so.
We have decided to start off by renting in Tasmania, so we can get a feel for where we want to live, without being rushed. We found a huge home in Geeveston, but we're certainly not ready to move yet! We're in the process of getting the other house ready to sell; that should take place in a month or so.