Georgia is the cutest. She is looking so pretty. Her hair goes very ringletty sometimes, but she wants to brush it straight all the time. She likes putting her clips in - usually just all over her head. She's still wearing her princess skirt all the time, doing dancing. Just now we were drawing on the blackboard. She was telling stories like 'Pink Dinky Doo.' That is a favourite tv programme at present, as is 'Charlie and Lola.'
I must list some classic Georgia-isms:
- Come here Dart Onion! (d'Artagnan the dog)
- This is Dickless! (ridiculous)
- Mummy, I love you so much. I don't want you to die. I want to stay young for ever and I want you to stay young too. Let's ask God to let us stay young. "Dear God, please let mummy and me stay young for ever. Amen."
- I want to dance on the moon and touch the stars!
And today Matthew cut his seventh tooth. A bottom right Incisor. Matthew has recently had a bit of a growth spurt. Yesterday I had to put away a size 0 jumpsuit, and I imagine soon he'll be fitting into his size 1 clothes. He crawls very quickly. I am not sure if he is near walking, but he timidly walks along with the walker, and he is cruising like a pro (cruising = walking along furniture whilst clutching it). He is clapping hands and still loving the oooohs and aaaahs it gets him. Recently he has begun waving. He waved to Maxine, he waves to himself and he waves to us. Today he reached out to me from the high chair, saying a clear "cuggy." Other words that resemble real words are: Georgie, daddy, mummy, ta, dart, cat. And there is a distinct "I'm hungry so bloody well feed me!" kind of screech that makes me jump sometimes! He loves the television and he loves making 'boy noises."
Today I took my son to watch the footy. I felt so proud of him sitting in his huge pram, watching the ball and the boys so intently. He laughed. It was so cool. I felt so cool going there with my boy, and so proud to have my boy. When I found out I was having a boy, I sort of panicked, thinking "how can I be interested in boy toys?" because it is no secret that I am very feminine! Now I am interested in toy cars and so forth. I shove them in front of him, but he still prefers to play with Georgia's toys: dollshouse, tea set, barbies, dolls and pushers. I think that is so cool. My boy plays with everything and he likes dress ups too! Currently he is sporting two lovely lovelt t-shirts that mum gave me. He looks like he is swimming but he seems very happy (also waving to himself!). He suits pink too! LOL
As for me...hmmm. I am feeling a bit stressed because there are so many things I want to do but I am not sure what to choose. We are planning a 30th and a 1st birthday party, which is fun. Monte has declined my offer of him taking the kids for a few minutes so I can do some blogging, and has gone to bunnings. So I best be off.