Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Friday, November 10, 2006
Christmas Letter 2006

It has been a wonderful year for us. We have many blessings, for which we are thankful.
This year we experienced several seconds. Our second child arrived in July and we bought our second home.
We are very happy and comfortable in our new home. Since moving in in February this year, we have made some changes, including painting the walls and polishing the floors. More changes will be made in the near future.

Georgia was very grown up singing carols by her own candlelight!
Georgia is living up to her name – cultivator of the earth – and is doing a great deal of gardening with Monte in the garden. We celebrated her third birthday on October 20th with a delightful fairy party. She is talking beautifully and is very tall for the average three-year-old. It will be exciting when she starts kindergarten next October.
Rebecca is enjoying her time at home looking after the children, and has been spending some spare time knitting and sewing, as well as meeting with other mothers for playgroup and reading group. Her plan is to return to work part-time, teaching English.
Monte continues to run his business, Sweat Technologies, from home. Monte’s passion at present is gardening. He is growing a productive vegetable garden, as well as growing new plants from seeds and learning about permaculture. Other activities Monte has been taking part in is renovating our home, including building a new kitchen and renovating the existing extension to contain a home office and a home theatre. One of the most enjoyable projects was to create a playroom in the sunroom.
We have had a busy year, and no doubt, the New Year will be similar. We wish you a very happy Christmas and a safe and happy 2007.
Warmest wishes for the festive season,
Monte, Rebecca, Georgia and Matthew Goulding
Georgia, Rebecca, Matthew and Monte...
Merry Christmas from all of us!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Matthew's Baptism

Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Birthday Girl

We had a lovely time celebrating our daughter's third birthday last weekend. The weather was perfect for a fairy party, and Georgia was so excited. Six of Georgia's friends came to the party. We played fairy dancing, parachute and some other little fun games. Mostly the children wanted to eat, and there were only a few squibbles over the food (twisties, pies and sausage rolls, jelly cups and, of course, fairy bread!). My good friend Kristen brought along her makeup and painted the fairies' faces (except Sankkit, who was painted as a tiger!). I was so exhausted by the end of the day, I slumped into a chair and fed Matthew for a long time; my feet too sore to stand up anymore.

Georgia, complete with face painting and a special necklace from Grandma and Poppa.

Until next year - or next weekend, when we celebrate Matthew's Baptism (I'm buying the cake!).
Monday, October 16, 2006
Yesterday we added 5 new ladies to our family. We got some chicks: Ava, Bessie, Chloe, Daphne and Ella (yes, we can tell them apart, at the moment). We can't keep Georgia away; she really loves them! We must admit that they are really cute. Our cat hasn't noticed them yet!
Friday, October 13, 2006
Cloth Nappies

I do, however, use biodegradable nappies during the night, and when we go out, some times. I have heard that if you use an incontinence pad with a cloth nappy they absorb a lot more. I will try that when I run out of disposables. One package of nappies is lasting a lot longer when you only use 1-2 a day.
Using cloth nappies is not hard. It doesn't take that long to do an extra load of washing every 1-2 days. It is good to reuse the water from soaking or washing; the garden loves it. I use the fitted/shaped nappies. I just love the fat nappy-but. And I thought that they might restrict Matthew's movement, but he is rolling around just fine!
Thursday, October 12, 2006

Matthew is changing. Growing, changing. He's three months now. He is getting a tooth. If he's not getting a tooth, he is just dribbling more, gnawing more and being more grumpy. He is trying to sit up, and when we hold his hands, he pulls himself up and smiles and giggles with glee. He is really into his toys, particularly the ones he can hold and chew. He likes a little "noodle," which is a long stripy fish, that he can hold and chew. He also likes his cooled teething ring, my fingers, my shoulder and any other toy he can grab.
Georgia is changing. She will be three on October 20. She has skipped size 3 clothes and is right into size 4. What I thought was a cold is actually hayfever, but she is calmer, happier and more gentle with the baby now. She adores her baby brother (nothing much there has changed though!). I love talking with Georgia. She says the cutest things! I've learned that her brain reallys is like a spnge, as she really does soak in everything we say! Occasionally she will pat me and say, "it's ok honey!" or "come over here babe." We're looking forward to her fairy party next week. Maybe I am looking forward to it most of all. I can't wait to play games with the little fairy friends!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Angels make us smile :)
As Matthew has settled into a sleep routine, I am returning to my old insomniac ways! I enjoyed the 7 weeks I had of feeding my baby in the night; it gave my night wakenings a purpose! Now, Matty is sleeping 8-10 hours a night. He is such a good baby! He smiles and giggles all the time, except when he is hungy, which is often, when he sort of calls out for me. He rarely cries. I thought that after Georgia, who was also such a great baby, I'd be in for a shock with this one, but no, I have been blessed twice! At 12 weeks, Matty is 7.5kg! He's 62-63 cm. He is learning to suck his thumb, and gnaws on his fist a lot. I am wondering if he is feeling ready for solids. No way! I think his teeth are moving up. He is well out of newborn phase. Goodness, that phase doesn't last long! Never mind if the bunny-in-a-rug phase has ended; we're getting giggles and more communication, and seeing changes in his development each day, which (to be honest) is more exciting!! He's pictured here, having tummy time at 11 weeks. He loves his tummy time. He's also trying to sit up. He pulls himself up a lot. He is very strong.
Georgia isn't very well at present. She has had a persistent cold lately, and is having a fitful sleep as I write. She is only sleeping 11 hours a night, so she gets very tired and cranky at the end of the day. She is in childcare two days a week. We found that she was pining for company, always asking for her friends to come over. It seems that sometimes her parents' company is not enough, what with daddy working a lot and mummy endlessly feeding the baby. We recently put shelves in the playroom cupboard, and packed her toys away neatly. Now there is more space to play. Georgie and mummy play shops and tea parties in there often. The morning sun warms the room up delightfully. We are learning about packing things away too.
We were lucky to catch up with Monte's sister, Sarah, and our nephew, Isaac, some weeks ago. It was very special to get the cousins together for their first group photo together. It was Sarah's first meeting of our Matthew, and she approved of the bundle. Soon, Matthew will catch up to Isaac in size, and they will be running around together before we know it. People keep saying that Isaac and Matty will be able to play cricket together, and we always remind them that Georgia is very capable of playing cricket thank you very much!Our neice, Angelica, is pictured below. My mother is still in America, at present touring around New York. Actually, a text message from mum is the reason I'm still awake (thanks mum). I'm glad mum was able to visit Sophie when she had her baby. I'm slightly envious that I never received that much help when I had my babies, but that has made me realise how strong I really am. Soon after my babies were born, I was back into 'normal' mode. I just cope well. It helps enormously having my husband home with me all the time, even if he is working hard in the office. And having mum away now has made me realise that I cope well with the demands of being a mum; I have learned a lot and am independent. When I think about moving interstate I can remember that, so I know I could cope if I had to. Anyway, it's good to have a neice and hopefully we'll meet her soon.
There's not much I'm doing apart from being with my children right now, and I love it. I miss teaching a bit. I really love the students and I love teaching and I love English. I am enjoying my time off - who wouldn't? I know I will return to my career when the time is right (in a few months!). I am contemplating studying photography. I really enjoy taking photos and editing them and collecting them and telling stories with them. If I could do it more seriously, I think I'd really enjoy it. I enjoy knitting too, but I don't get time to do it much. I love writing, but my blog is my only writing at present. No, I tell a lie. Monte's parents gave our children loose leaf folders to collect stories in, and I have written a few for the collection. I love writing short stories, and I had never written for children before. I enjoyed it. After reading children's books all the time, I'd have to say I know what makes a good kids' story! I'm looking forward to writing some more.
We're planning a fairy party for our angel (are you my angel? no, I'm your fairy girl). I am planning an exciting cake too. Last year I made a tea party cake, complete with dolls that the girls could take home, and a mini tea set on a round cake table. The chairs were cupcakes with timtams! This year - well, we'll see. It might be a flop!
We're also planning the baptism of Matthew. I haven't thought about that cake.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Life Is Beautiful!

Our family is growing! On September 9th, my darling brother, of whom I couldn't be more proud, married Cassie, who I adore. They are truly a wonderful couple and their wedding day was testimony to that. They are deeply in love and deeply generous to their family and friends. What a stunning couple!
My sister, Sophie, has just given birth to an 8lb6 girl, Angelica Grace Gennari, in Baltimore USA. My heart aches as I want so desperately to be near her and give her a hug (and cuddle the little bundle).
Life is Beautiful. Don't forget it.
Spring Events
September 7 - nephew Isaac turns one
September 9 - Alex and Cassie's wedding
September 12 - our niece, Angelica, born to Sophie Turner
October 13 - mum comes home from USA
October 17 - Nanny's birthday (Audrey Kenny [nee Matthew])
October 20 - Georgia's 3rd birthday
October 22 - Georgia's birthday party
October 29 - Matthew's Baptism